One on One With Coach Blu: Trust, Relationships and Recovery

On today's One on One with Coach Blu podcast, we discuss questions submitted by viewers on how to date when in early recovery, how to regain trust with loved ones, and how to have difficult conversations with your spouse.

First Question: How do I start dating now that I am sober? 1. Be honest and forthright. 2. Avoid testing your willpower. 3.Watch for the signs of codependency. 4. Allow your recovery/sobriety to be a value you bring to the table. 5. Practice how you will bring up or talk about your recovery. 6. Pace yourself. 7. Know your worth.

Second Question: How long does it take for my family to trust me? I know I should be patient but I feel like they are constantly raising the trust bar. 1. Trust is a gift, it's not earned. 2. Truly an important part of the forgiveness process is forgiving yourself. 3. Then: Forgive the others and stakeholders in your life. It is impossible to regain trust without first regaining control of your emotional well-being by finding your inner peace with the situation.

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