Being A Child Of An Alcoholic And Addict

Today Coach Blu speaks with Team Captain and Athlete Holly Davies. Listen as Coach Blu and Holly open up about being the child of an alcoholic and addict in the family system. Children of alcoholics and addicts often have to deny their feelings of sadness, fear, and anger in order to survive. Since unresolved feelings will always surface eventually, they often manifest during adulthood. Listen as they discuss similarities between what they both learned growing up in a home where addiction was so prevalent. There are many ways that children of alcoholics or children of an addict navigate the family system and when the right principles are applied, can break the cycle of addiction for their own family. Athlete Davies gives amazing insight into what it's like growing up in such a home and then, watching the healing process begin. There is forgiveness, understanding, and accountability that is learned and can be heard as she says, "Being a child of an addict is part of my story. It doesn't define who I am." This is an amazing opportunity for anyone who struggled with addiction and their family system to know how it affects the children. 

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