Disney On The Rocks

On today's podcast Coach Blu take a deep dive into his experience while attending a mental health and addiction conference in Orlando Florida. Following the conference, he was able to attend Walt Disney World Epcot theme park and was absolutely blown away by how much drinking of alcohol had become part of the Disney experience. After a 40-year absence of alcohol within the Disney theme park experience, 10 years ago wine and beer were introduced and now, September 2022, new park rules allow the spirits to openly flow. Listen as he discusses some of his thoughts and what he discovered from Walt Disney himself about why he would not allow the consumption of alcohol in his parks originally. Become informed about what you should be aware of before you book a family experience to a location like this and what you should know about potential triggers before you invest in Disney resorts for your next family vacation. 

**Clarification on Disney lobbying to lower drinking age at Disney parks. We have found that to be misinformation-https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/disney-world-drinking-age/

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